1. People are pretty critical when buying other people's crap. "$3 for a phone charger??!?!? You guys are crazy!" Then don't buy it dipshit. You probably don't even have three dollars.
2. People love baseball hats. The hat could say, "I am retarted" and it will sell if it is under $5.00.
3. Garage sales attract fat people. Lots of fat people that don't care much about their personal hygene.
4. $15.00 for a nice knife set is "outrageous". It was like I slapped this man's wife he was so irritated by the price.
5. There is a whole culture of people that just drive by garage sales real slow and window shop the garage sale. Real creepy people.
6. People have no problem leaving their car running, run up to the garage sale and run back to their car. This happened multiple times. Like they were late to the next garage sale.
7. 90% of people that shop at garage sales a have a mental disability.
8. Garage sales can be a family outing. You can also leave your family members at the garage sale if they bought something you wanted. This really happened.
9. Mexicans are scared of Great Danes. Very scared.
10.Your neighbors do not like your garage sale.
11. White trash is becoming my most hated segment of society.
12. It hurts your feelings when people show up and leave without buying any of my crap. Like my crap is not good enough.
13. When the sale is over you somehow have more shit than when you started.
All in all, garage sales suck. It does make you feel better about your standing in society though.