I know the people that are apologizing that they missed my birthday mean well but I could give a rat's ass that you missed my birthday. The only people I care about missing my birthday are my parents. They have to remember that date because that is when I came into this world to make their lives something they never planned on. I hope they think of the day as a positive but every once in a while I catch my mom staring at me on my birthday and I know she is thinking, "You know how much GD pain you put me through you little bastard?"
How about those people that LOVE their birthday and remind you that it is a week away. Oh, now it is 5 days away! Update me again and you are not making it to your birthday! I hope you enjoy your birthday but the rest of the office could care less about your birthday. Call your mom and dad and they might care, oh, whats that? You don't talk as much as you should anymore? Maybe it is because every time you called it was to remind them about the damn count down to your birthday.
On another birthday note, those sheet cakes that everyone gets on their b-day for work or when you are twelve......those are a total rip off. What are the margins for the grocery store on those fuckers? They can last until your next birthday so who knows how long it has been sitting in that glass case. I also like how the asshole that brings those out acts like he/she is a real baker. These people belong in a bakery about as much as I belong in the Scripps Spelling Bee (that is a whole other rant). You can tell these people did not make it past the 8th grade by the way the spell peoples names with the icing squeezer gun thingy. Happy Birthday Tod! One "d" really? Why do I know so much about these jackasses? When I worked in Hollywood as the bitch of the studio it was my prestigious job to go get these stupid cakes for any staff member above me's birthday. So I have experience. Depending on what god forsaken Hollywood grocery store they would send me to, the bakers were mostly the same. "Oh, you picking up a birthday cake? Is it your birthday?" Ya, I am picking this up for myself dildo. I have zero friends that would get this for me some I am buying my own so I can eat my way to diabetes. But I digress.
Happy Birthday to me. June 1st is kind of a kick ass birthday don't you think? I know it is May 31st so save the comments but I plan on getting faced tomorrow. Hell, it is my birthday.