Sunday, April 28, 2013


Just saw on the news a group of OWS type, college age, persons being interviewed about capitalism.  After spewing through their typical anti-captialism crap, all while his buddy is recording the thing on his iPhone, a girl is enjoying a cup a Dunkin Donuts, and he is wearing a Boston Red Sox hat, says they are all nonconformists.  I am confused.  Didn't you guys just conform to becoming nonconformists?  If he really was a nonconformist he would be doing the interview solo and wearing a burlap sack or something of the like.  I guess I could be nonconformist to their group by not playing the bongos, having a job, and being a productive member of society.  Look "Trent", to be nonconformist he should change is name to "^", I know you are young and think you can change the world with your idealogical blabber but you are going to end up forty, working at a record store, and living in an alley if you don't get your shit together.  If that is what your goal in life and you are happy with it, more power to you and God bless but don't sit their and criticize the way others live their lives all while demanding we respect yours.    We all do dumb crap in college, believe me on this one, but don't let your fleeting beliefs ruin the rest of your life.

PS - good luck getting a good job with those half dollar size ear gauges.  I thought my frat tat was a bad idea.  That screams, "I am going to live in a ice cream truck some day!".

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