If I am at a party and someone came in with a Taco 12 Pack from T Bell I would not think he is rad, I would think he is:
1. Poor
2. Stoned
3. Mentally Challenged
4. Not invited
5. Mad at the host
What is even worse is in the commercial T Bell gives crap to the people who bring chips, ice, and dip. F that, just behind the guy who brings alcohol or skanky hot chicks, these are some of the most important people at the party. Taco Bell then claims that the Taco 12 Pack shows that you have at least eleven friends. Wrong again. If one of my "friends" offered me a taco from Taco Bell at a party I would think he is more than likely trying to give me diarrhea or was trying to poison me. Taco Bell taco breathe is awful. You could rob a bank with a Taco Bell burp and now I am supposed to eat one when I am trying to meet people. Why don't I just go gargle a dog turd while I am at it.
Also, if you did bring the Taco 12 Pack what are you saying to the host about their food? "I think your food is so poor I decided to bring this hot garbage." At the very least you have pissed of the host and the other eleven people you are giving that dog food to. Come on Taco Bell, clean it up.