Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Chipotle Line

If you are waiting in line at Chipotle (or any similar fast casual eatery/deli with a menu board) for longer than five minutes and the person in front of you is called on to order and he/she does not know what they want, it should be legal to slam this person's face into the sneeze guard. What the hell have you been doing for the last five minutes? The menu board is right there, clear as day. If you cannot read it then how in the name of all that is holy did you drive here?

In my case it was more like ten minutes and super important was jabbering on the phone about her best friend to her other best friend. It is finally her turn to order and she has to excuse herself from the conversation, laugh, and then exclaim, "Uh, what do I want?" I don't know what you want but you are going to need an ambulance if you do not order in the next five seconds. This is why people go postal. It did not help that I was hungry and the guy's breath behind me smelled like he had just ate a skunk but come on.

PS - no lady, you have never not paid for your chips. They always cost extra. Now please pay and then take said bag of chips and suffocate yourself.

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